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We Have So Many
Awesome Stuffs

About Us

A company you want to bet your career on

We believe that in a connected world, the customer experience is a full and continuous journey across online and physical touch points. Qmatic exists to provide the technology solutions and insights make that journey as smooth and pleasant as possible for customers, patients, citizens, and employees.

Low-touch, socially distanced queuing

Instant Mobile Queue Management Package

Appointment and arrival solutions

Manage appointments and customer flow efficiently

Qmatic Orchestra 7

The platform for tailoring Customer Journey Management to your needs

Qmatic Cloud Appointments

Landing Pages, User Flow, Wireframing, Prototyping, Mobile App Design, Web

Our Services

Grow Business
With iQTech.

We’ve been working with some awesome
teams around the world.

Care Plans

Choose A Plan That's
Right For You.

Care Base

Specialist email support

Software maintenance

Version updates








Care Plus

Industry-specific specialist email & phone support

Software maintenance

Version updates

New software upgrades

Offsite system optimization audit



Care Premium

Industry-specific specialist email & phone support

Software maintenance

Version updates

New software upgrades

Offsite & onsite system optimization audit

Customer journey analysis

Early adopter input


Solution Support Team – Technical Arm

Once a project is successfully deployed, for many their job might be well done but for us at Qmatic it has just started. The real challenge is now to ensure successful transition and making sure that our solution is making positive impact on customers service situation for all involved.

This is the reason where OPCT (On-Premises Care Team) came into existence, and we provide it at no extra cost during transition and 12-month warranty period to provide unlimited support to ensure that there are no gaps.

Data Analytics and BI Team – Data and BI Arm

Once a project is successfully deployed, for many their job might be well done but for us at Qmatic it has just started. The real challenge is now to ensure successful transition and making sure that our solution is making positive impact on customers service situation for all involved.

This is the reason where OPCT (On-Premises Care Team) came into existence, and we provide it at no extra cost during transition and 12-month warranty period to provide unlimited support to ensure that there are no gaps.

Solution Consultation Team – Consultancy/Roadmap Arm

Once a project is successfully deployed, for many their job might be well done but for us at Qmatic it has just started. The real challenge is now to ensure successful transition and making sure that our solution is making positive impact on customers service situation for all involved.

This is the reason where OPCT (On-Premises Care Team) came into existence, and we provide it at no extra cost during transition and 12-month warranty period to provide unlimited support to ensure that there are no gaps.


Our Happy Clients
Say’s About Us.

Explore our selection of customer stories to find out more about how we have helped some of our clients from around the world

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