Queue Management

Queue management solutions for all organizations, big or small

Happy customers are good customers. If you can provide a great experience throughout their visit, they are more likely to return, and to recommend your services to others.

Here’s where an effective queue management system makes a big difference. The basics, as we see it, is primarily about making sure that customers are served in the right order. Preferably while allowing them to engage in something less boring than physically waiting in line. This is our home turf, and has been since the beginning of the 1980s.

Improved operations, better customer experience

From online to physical, iQTech queue management solutions are built to serve customers better, ensuring staff have the time and space they need to do their jobs well, and provide you with the management tools you need to stay in control.

  • Reduce the amount of time people have to wait and the amount of people in the waiting area.
  • Improve customer flow to make operations more efficient.
  • Keep consumers up to date at all times.
  • To make data-driven business choices, gain insight into the consumer experience.


Advanced queue management features

Online appointment

Virtual queuing via smartphone

Customer feedback

Extensive statistics and analyses


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