Customer Feedback

Upgrading customer experience !!!

Let the customer help you.

Progress and growth require consistency.
And, in order to be successful and continue to improve your business, you must prioritize listening to the people who know the most about it: your consumers.

You can get insights into your customers’ demands, build customer connections, and increase customer satisfaction at every touch point with Customer Feedback solutions powered by iQTech.
And, all inside one platform, satisfy the ever-increasing requirements and aspirations of today’s tech-savvy clients and surpass their expectations.

Design engaging and intuitive feedback forms

Client Feedback solutions from iQTech allow you to design user-friendly online surveys and send an invitation to answer to your customer through email, SMS, or iQTech Mobile Ticket when the visit is done.

Flexible choices and a simple and clean interface are available in the feedback surveys, which might include star ratings, smileys, multiple-choice questions, free text, net promoter score (NPS), Yes/No questions, and conditional follow-up questions that alter based on the prior answer.

Each branch or department may have its own unique survey with distinct questions for its services, and the customer feedback survey supports many languages.


Elevate the Customer Experience with

Identify branch-specific areas of improvement

Identify customer pain points and evaluate branch performance to improve the customer experience and deliver a consistent level of quality in your service at each branch location.

Reach customers at the right time

Send your tailored feedback forms to engage with your customers at their convenience, immediately after the visit, the next day, or the next week to get the insights you need to improve.

Capture insightful customer data

Gather data on the customer experience to proactively minimize friction and make improvements to meet KPIs and create the perfect, coherent customer experience.

Take action on your customer feedback

Increase customer retention and loyalty by visualizing, analyzing, dissecting, and turning your feedback from customers data into actionable insights and making smarter, data-driven decisions.

You may receive instant access to valuable insights with Qmatic’s Business Intelligence, which includes reports, summaries, charts, and overviews of all your comments, as well as the data collected during the visit, all in one dashboard.

To filter out the answers you want, create custom dashboards by branch, service, staff person, day, month, and more.

To gain a deeper understanding of your consumers’ perspectives and attitudes, combine several forms of data and delve deep into feedback specifics.

Measure your customers’ satisfaction and link it to the information gleaned during the visit.

What is the mechanism behind it?

It’s never been easier to allow consumers to offer comments.

  • Visit Created – Customer visits are created by appointment or by joining a queue via iQTech’s self-service kiosk or Smartphone on-site.
  • Survey invitation – After the visit ends, an invitation to fill out the customer feedback survey is delivered via SMS, email, or Mobile Ticket.
  • Data collected & stored – Once the feedback survey is sent, the feedback data gets stored with journey data captured during the visit on your Qmatic Business Intelligence portal.

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