Cloud Solutions


Cloud Solutions

World-leading customer journey management has never been more accessible. The solution you choose is available in the cloud and paid as a subscription via a monthly fee.

Low total cost of ownership

No need to invest in servers and software up front, and there's no need to pay for software upgrades. And there's no need to spend time on setup or upkeep. Qmatic Cloud Solutions has a much reduced total cost of ownership than an on-premise, permanent deployment and subscription strategy.

More time to delight your customers

It's all about letting people do what they do best at Qmatic Cloud Solutions. That means giving yourself as much time as possible to assist your clients.
And entrusting all aspects of your customer journey management system to the experts at Qmatic.

Easy and predictable budgeting

When you choose a SaaS subscription model like Qmatic Cloud Solutions, you'll know exactly how much it costs to manage client journeys on an annual basis.

All-inclusive product offering

Everything is included in your monthly fee: functionality, hosting, maintenance, updates, and support.

Subscribe to great customer experiences

Simple queuing or sophisticated customer journey management?
Whatever your requirements are, Qmatic Cloud Solutions may be tailored to meet them flawlessly. Simply choose the features you require to provide the best possible client journeys. After that, we’ll take care of the solution’s setup, hosting, and maintenance. You can concentrate all of your attention and efforts on what you do best: providing exceptional customer service.

Taking flexibility to a new level

Qmatic Orchestra 7, the world’s premier platform for customer journey management, has the same wide capabilities and flexibility as Qmatic Cloud Solutions.
That means you may create a solution that caters to your consumers’ needs throughout their customer journey.
A trip that begins before they arrive and may continue after they leave your property.
Qmatic Cloud Solutions takes flexibility and scalability to the next level by allowing quick and easy addition and removal of functionality and users.

Always current – without effort

You won’t have to worry about IT issues like security, stability, system uptime, or software maintenance if you use Qmatic Cloud Solutions as the platform for your customer journey management solution.
The monthly subscription cost covers all of this, as well as assistance.
You may rest certain that your system will always be updated to the most recent version.
Our cloud clients will always be the first to benefit from enhancements and capability additions.

Qmatic Cloud Appointments

More scheduled appointments and fewer walk-ins reduce visitor wait times while saving you time.
Allow clients to plan and reschedule their own appointments to improve customer satisfaction and free up space in your waiting room.
Qmatic Cloud Appointments is a Qmatic Cloud Solutions product.
